But it was more than 300 years later before contact lenses were actually fabricated and worn on the eyeball. German glassblower F.E. Muller produces the first glass contact lens in 1887.
A contact lens (also known as "contact", for short) is a corrective or cosmetic lens placed on the cornea of the eye atop the iris.
Many people do wear contact lenses on grounds of convenience and beauty, but they really do have some practical reasons too. Contact lenses do vanish to your eyes as soon as you wear them. So, they wear colored contact lenses for altering the appearance of the eye, just for the style.
People choose to wear contact lenses for a variety of reasons. Providing numerous advantages, contact lenses give you more freedom to maintain your active lifestyle. Contact lenses naturally provide better vision than spectacles for some visual conditions such as severe short-sightedness (myopia), long-sightedness (hyperopia), astigmatism, corneal distortion, or post cataract removal.
A wider field of view is provided by contact lenses. For a peripheral vision, contact lenses are really worth for, as it is often blocked, or limited by spectacle frames. Contact lenses do not fog up with changes in temperature, or from perspiration. They are also unaffected by rain. Soft contact lenses pose no weight and because they have no frame they do not constantly slip down your nose.
Lenses are unique for people who play sports, dance, or have active lifestyles. Lenses help your children avoid the psychological and physical traumas related to wearing glasses. Contact lenses can protect the cornea during recuperation. Special soft medical lenses are made for this purpose.
There are some cons too. Contact lenses need frequent replacement, so they are expensive. Contact lenses need to be washed and cleared properly; otherwise it will cause eye infection. Caring for the contact lenses takes time.
Despite these facts, it seems that the benefits the contact lenses offer outweigh the effort that is needed to take care of them. Besides, they move with your eyes to the desired objects. There are so many companies which do arrange for the cheap contact lenses. So, for better sight and clarity, just buy contact lenses online, immediately!
About the Author
Peter Msn is a freelance Writer who researches every article with full consideration of the target audience and for more information regarding the contact lenses, colored contact lenses, cheap contact lenses and buy contact lenses online he advocates this site http://www.eyesonline.com.au/
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