Scientists tell that lenses cases are a source of infection, of bacteria and they must be well cleaned at least one time a week, with hot water. After cleaning them, they must be dried with a cloth without lint, and then left to dry wear a while, before putting the lenses back. Every day, when you use your contact lenses, you must let to fresh air the contact lenses case, so it can aerate. After 3-4 weeks, you must replace the old case with a new one.
This is not necessary in the case of daily wearing contact lenses, because after you worn them one day, you throw them and there is no need for you to clean their cases. When it comes for the other lenses cases, cleaning must be done regularly, and with attention. Not even the best hand-washing won't save you from bacteria, if the contact lenses case is not cleaned properly.
Bacteria and other microbes will start to develop after a week from the time you buy the case, so the weekly cleaning it's very important. nother aspect that is forgotten by many is that the new plastics absorb the preservatives from disinfections solutions, so that the material of the case is very important.
Here are some tips for keeping your contact lenses cases clean:
1. Before opening and closing your contacts cases, wash your hands very well;
2. After removing your lenses from the case, throw the solution which was there for keeping your lenses clean, and replace it with a new one when you'll storage again your lenses;
3. You must rinse your contacts cases with attention, so you have to be sure that they are clean. You mustn't forget the underside of the lid;
4. After cleaning the case, let it to air dry;
5. Replace you lenses case monthly, so germs do not develop.
One of the most known bacteria is Acanthamoeba. These bacteria can develop and grow in the contact lenses cases and can cause bad problems to the eyes. Some of the Acanthamoeba symptoms are a permanent sensation of having something in the eyes, vision problems, or sensitivity at light. In one of these cases, you must visit in ophthalmologist or an optometrist, to recommend you a treatment.
A good attention offered to the lenses must be offered to the lenses cases too. Each of them can be a source for germs that in time will cause problems to your eyes. What a contact lenses wearer must know is that not all solutions have the same role, and using them without the doctors' advice may harm their lenses and then, their eyes.
About the Author
The Contact lenses Business is John Mendes area of expertise.He has been providing quality contact lenses for many years.